Gilded, Tawdry, Opulent

Selective. Independent. Canon Divergent.
Remy "Gambit" LeBeau roleplay written by Avarice.
Interest Tracker is in the contact section and I would appreciate if you filled it out.
All rules buttons will redirect to a main hub carrd, be not alarmed by Skeletor.


01. If you follow me, I may not instantly follow back. I like to look through rules/bios/posts before following so it may not be instantaneous. I may also follow with no intent to interact immediately, I may just be creeping on your ships and writing because Remy may not gel with your muse.

02. I love interacting with everyone, OCs, multiples, multi-muse blogs, etc. I will not instantly ship, though Remy is flirty with everyone. If you are uncomfortable with a romantic ship, please let me know as I am not in the habit of forcing chemistry. If you want a romantic ship and the thread does not appear to be headed there, feel free to drop a line so we can discuss. Please note that shipping for me is not strictly romantic or sexual, I take it to mean any type of relationship.

03. I am not a heavy plotter as a general rule, it’s not my typical style. However, I am easily adaptable and if you feel more comfortable planning, I am always okay with you messaging me to discuss a plot or idea you have for our muses. Please fill out the interest tracker before you message me for plotting as it helps me get a feel for you and lets me know your preferred method of contact.

04. As far as messaging goes, I am not very good with small talk (i.e. I fucking hate it and if you want to get to know me, small talk is the worst way), so please have a purpose behind your message and have it relate to our muses. This is especially important if you are chatting with me ooc for the first time. Most of my ooc interactions are better done on discord, so feel free to message and ask for my handle and we can chat from there. But be warned, if it ain't yelling about muses or being salty, I am just not as comfortable and may have to take more time to tailor my response accordingly. This is not a reflection on you. I prefer discord and Tumblr ims may take me longer to get to. I am also ameanable to threads on discord as well.

05. On that note, if you message me almost immediately with the intent for smut only, I will take it as an insult and probably ax you right then and there. Also, please refrain from being overly familiar and using endearing terms within your first few messages. It's off-putting and infantilizing and as I endeavor to extend courtesy and respect to others, I expect the same back.

06. I do go through periods of slower activity, please be patient and know that if my response is not immediate, it is not a reflection of my feelings for you or your muse. I am working towards a secondary degree and full time managerial position at my job at present which requires a lot of my time. This is a hobby to blow off steam and while I love elaborate multi-para responses, I don't always have the time and proper focus for that. Please contact me if you think something has been dropped or neglected, but do so respectfully after a few days.

07. This blog will contain triggering and sensitive content, follow at your own risk. I am not responsible for your online experience. Mun and muse (verse dependent) are 25+ and as such, adult content is what we got. I know that I can be considered 'problematic' and I don't pretend not to be. If you have a problem with content on this blog, you can asked for it to be tagged or block me. No problems. I will be tagging nsfw content and a few trigger words as requested but I will probably not catch everything as I am frequently on mobile. This also means I may not always be able to utilize [[read more]] for steamy situations.

08. This blog is now 21+ for my own sanity. Minors will be blocked. If you are under 21, you can follow, I won't stop you but do not expect to interact with me. If I cannot find your age/rules, I will be less likely to follow. If you've been grandfathered in, no worries. I may make a few exceptions, but it is highly unlikely.

09. I will not tolerate racism, ableism, xenophobia, homophobia, bigotry, classism, or other forms of hatred, disrespect, or prejudice out of character. I am too old and tired for bullshit, there will not be a discussion. You will be blocked on sight and I will move on with my day. This applies to any hate sent to me regarding my rp style as well. Deleted and ignored. Zero tolerance.


Abandoned in a hospital at birth, most likely due to his eyes marking him a mutant, Remy was kidnapped from the hospital as a newborn baby by the Thieves Guild on order of the Antiquary. Later he was taken from the Antiquary by Jean-Luc Lebeau and put into the care of Fagan's Mob, a group of street kids turned thieves.
Ran into Vampires in the Metairie Cemetery and met the Witness in a cemetery and began visiting him on a normal basis as a young child. Remy met Belladonna for the first time when he was eight, "saving" her from a guild trap (a set up).Remy is caught by Jean-Luc when attempting to pick his pocket at age ten (another set up). Remy’s powers began to manifest as a young teenager, around 13/14 years old.

Remy was hired by Mister Sinister to collect his lab diary from the Weapon X facility. Gambit was caught, but escaped when Weapon X (Wolverine) escaped. Remy read the diary before returning with it and decided to destroy it.
Remy was arrested in a small Louisiana town, staged a 'riot' and freed himself and 2 drunks. He started 'dating' Genevieve Darceheaux as a con to get a jewel for the guild. She ended up getting killed by Sabretooth, who was hired to retrieve the jewel.

Later Remy married Belladonna in an arranged ceremony to unify the Guilds. He killed his brother-in-law in self defense during a duel and was excommunicated and banished from New Orleans because of the Guild. Spent time in London where he stole art and returned it to his rightful owner. Caught after being ratted on by Yukio. He turned the tables and got Yukio captured instead. He became a bounty hunter/mercenary and spent time in a South American prison. Remy saved Storm during the time she was turned into a 13 year old child by the Nanny. They ran through New Orleans as 'robin hood' like thieves until Nanny attacked again and Storm got her memories back. Remy joined the X-men after following Storm home.


FULL NAME: Remy E. LeBeau
NICKNAME: Gambit, Le Diable Blanc, Swamp Rat(derogatory)
ALIASES: Robert Lord, Sir Anthony Ellis, Death (horseman)
AGE: Verse Dependent but usually between 28 - 35
BIRTH DATE: 07/29.
ETHNICITY: Louisiana Cajun (assumed), Creole Mulatto (headcanon)
BIRTH PLACE: New Orleans, Louisiana (assumed)
ORIENTATION: Panromantic/Pansexual(disaster)
OCCUPATION: Thief, Teacher, X-man, Guild Master

PARENTS: Jean-Luc LeBeau(adoptive father)
SIBLINGS: Heavily verse dependent.
PET(S): Ace of Spades (black cat), Sir Jackson AllSorts (calico cat), Duchess Short Stacks (munchkin himalayan cat)

FACE CLAIM(S): Gaspard Ulliel, Kofi Siriboe, & R. Jack Foley (verse dependent)
EYE COLOR: Red and black
HAIR STYLE: Shoulder length, somewhat unkempt
HEIGHT + WEIGHT: 6’ 1” ft, 175lbs.
TATTOOS + PIERCINGS: (forthcoming)
NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Red irises and black sclera

AILMENTS: Abandonment issues, low self-worth, overly-confident facade, C-PTSD
INTELLIGENCE: More intelligent than people think, though lacking formal education
LIKES: Flirting, expensive alcohol, art, cats
DISLIKES: Being underestimated, being ignored, bad food, bigotry, child trafficking,any of the hate fueled phobias
DISPOSITION: Cheerful, flirty

WARDROBE: More elevated style than comics, though he is a fan of trench coats and magenta pops of color. Varies by verse.
MUSIC TASTE: Eclectic, but picky. Willing to listen to anything once, but Cajun, Blues, and Jazz remind him of home.

Skills & Abilities

FAVORED WEAPON(S): Playing cards and fists
WEAPONS: Bo Staff, playing cards, modified rifle (verse dependent)
COMBAT: Skilled in Bojutsu, hand to hand combat, skilled marksman, brawling,acrobatic fighting style, powers are verse dependent.
THREAT LEVEL: Alpha with Omega marvel terms.

MOLECULAR ACCELERATION: Can convert stored potential energy in an object to kinetic energy, making it explosive. The time it takes to charge an object is directly related to its size. Explosive power is mass dependent. Most charging takes place through direct skin contact and organic/living molecules take higher focus and concentration to charge.
DISSOLUTION: Gambit can also cause objects to pull themselves apart instead of exploding them. Can dissolve or shatter items like shrapnel and ice.
DISRUPTION: Gambit can tame his explosive acceleration to temporarily scramble a person's sensory awareness knocking them out cold.
ENHANCED CONDITIONING: Gambit's ability to tap energy also grants him increased speed, strength, reflexes and reactions, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance as a side effect.
ACCELERATING REGENERATION: Gambit can enhance his own recovery rate by stimulating his own cellular activity. ENHANCEMENT: Can supercharge the energy both converted and accelerated to get more of a bang out of even the smallest objects as well as giving them greater concussive or stopping power.
STATIC INTERFERENCE: Creates natural static, because of the charged potential energy always in his body, that shields his mind from intrusion by telepaths. Can increase the effect by holding a charged object near his head.
VIBRATION EMISSION: Gambit, through the kinetic acceleration instead of conversion can emit a shockwave accompanying a bright flashbang which leaves a sizable crater in the ground.
REMOTE CHARGING: Remy can activate the potential/kinetic conversion process of matter from a distance with nothing but direct eye contact.(verse dependent strength)
SHEERING: By charging his cards, Remy can use them to slice through objects as dense as solid steel without worry of it exploding.
ACCELERATION BESTOWAL: Gambit can take the energy locked within a charged slug and use it in order to continue pushing it forwards and onward in a given direction with enough concentration.
DELAYED CHARGE: With some effort, Gambit can prolong the detonation time of a charged item
HYPNOTIC CHARM: Subliminal psionic talent channeled through his voice that allows a subtle influence over any sentient mind. More powerful minds have proven immune to Gambit's charm, and people who are consciously aware of what he's doing can shake off the effects.
TOXIC TRANSMUTATION: The ability to convert breathable air into poisonous gases. He could either create clouds out of the surrounding air, or transmute the oxygen already inside someone's lungs. (Death) After regressing to his former self he has an easier time charging air particulates. (always in play)
DEATH CHARGE: Charged objects break down living matter on contact, totally disintegrating a victim. (death)
TRAJECTORY INTERRUPTION: Telepathic guiding of charged objects. (death)
ENHANCED PSYCHIC RESISTANCE: Immunity to telepathic powers or influence. (this is always in play)
CORRUPTION: Ability to corrupt others and subjugate them to his will and give them his physical death features.(death)


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